ERB is excited to announce a new feature in 360 Access for CTP and Milestones reporting. Schools now have the ability to create Groups of students for reporting purposes directly in 360 Access instead of creating Groups in the original Group Management feature in Member Profile.
Any existing Groups you created in Member Profile will automatically migrate to the new 360 Access feature. Going forward, you will manage all Groups in 360 Access. The Group Management functionality in Member Profile will be turned off at the end of this school year, on June 30, 2022.
Groups can be created and edited by school and district Administrators with a CTP Test Coordinator role or CTP Purchasing Coordinator role. Groups can be viewed by teachers with a CTP Test Administrator role only if they are assigned to that Group.

Adding Students to a Group
Locating Students
To begin, go to the “Groups” section of 360 Access. Here you will see a roster of students for each grade and school year. Use the school year and grade drop-downs to display the students you want to add to your Group. You can also use the “Search by Name” tab to locate a specific student. All the students in a Group must be in the same grade during the school year selected—you cannot create a Group containing students in different grades.
Remember, only CTP Test Coordinators and CTP Purchasing Coordinators can create Groups and manage the students within a Group.
Adding Students
After locating the desired students, select the students that you want to add to the Group. Keep in mind that your students may be listed over multiple pages. Add the students you select on one page before proceeding to another—your selections will be lost if you proceed to the next page without first adding the students you already selected.
When you’re satisfied with your selections, click the “Add to Group” link at the top of the roster. You can then create a new Group for the selected students by entering a Group name or add the selected students to an existing Group.

Managing Groups
Viewing Existing Groups
Administrators can view all existing Groups by clicking “View Groups” in the Groups section of 360 Access. This screen displays all Groups created for the selected school year—you can further filter the Groups listed by selecting a specific grade. Teachers can view only the Groups to which they are assigned.
Click on a specific Group to view that Group’s details including its description, the teachers assigned to that Group, and the students in that Group.
Creating Groups
To create a new Group, Administrators can go to the “View Groups” screen and select the school year and grade for which they want to create a Group. Next, click the “Create a Group” link at the top of the list of Groups. On the following screen, you will select a name and description for the new Group. You can also assign the Group to a teacher by adding them as a Group contact. You can assign the Group to up to eight teachers.
Keep in mind that all Group names created for the same school year and grade must be unique. In other words, it is acceptable to have identical Group names in Grade 3 and Grade 4, but you cannot have two Groups in Grade 3 with the same name.
When you’ve completed the required fields, click “Save.” You can add students to your Group by navigating to the “Define Groups” screen.
Deleting Groups
To delete a Group, Administrators can go to the “View Groups” screen and click the trash can icon next to the Group they wish to delete. Administrators should delete Groups with care as this cannot be undone.
Assigning Teachers to a Group
While Administrators can view and edit all Groups, Teachers can only view Groups to which they have been assigned. To assign a teacher to a Group, Administrators can go to the “View Groups” screen and click on the desired Group. Next, click the “Edit Group Info” link. To assign a teacher to the Group, add them as either the Main Contact or as an additional contact. You can add up to eight additional contacts to assign a Group to more than one teacher.
Removing Students
To remove students from a Group, Administrators can go to the “View Groups” screen and click on the desired Group. Next, click the trash can icon next to the desired student’s name to remove them from the Group. To remove multiple students at one time, select the desired students and click the “Remove from Group” link at the top of the student list.
If you have any questions about the new 360 Access Group functionality, contact your Member Services Director or ERB Customer Support.